Dienstag, 8. Juli 2014


I have a completely new website. Please save it as a bookmark to keep in touch with the latest photos and blogposts mainly concerning my job on a cruiseship.

Even if this blog will not be deleted, use hannesvosgerau.com in the future.


Ich habe eine neue Website! Speichere hannesvosgerau.com als Lesezeichen und schau öfters mal vorbei! 
Im Blog-Bereich der Seite berichte ich über meine Arbeit auf einem Kreuzfahrtschiff und anderes.

Montag, 30. Dezember 2013


I had the pleasure of taking wedding pictures for the first time. Shortly before christmas Sarah and Bruno said "I do". Here are some of my favourite pictures of the couple which were taken in the "Schlossgarten". 

Once again: Congratulations and warm wishes to both of you! 


Pictures from a short trip to Bremerhaven.

Samstag, 2. November 2013


More than 20 degrees, blue sky and sunshine. That was our day at the Lake Garda look-alike Cobh.

Sonntag, 20. Oktober 2013


90 seconds long exposure of the Ringlokschuppen, one of the best photography locations in Oldenburg.

Montag, 29. Juli 2013


Just like every year we had a great time on Baltrum - in my opinion the most wonderful and relaxing island in germany!

Samstag, 15. Juni 2013


Philip and Sophia are siblings. In july Sophia is going to leave germany to live as an au-pair for one year in Ireland. Thus, they asked me for a shooting to have some beautiful pictures as a birthday present for their parents and a collection of great memories for each of them. During her trip abroad, you can visit Sophias blog where she is going to share her experiences and adventures with you. Check it out here.